Gabe Baker
Vizible is a new virtual reality creation and collaboration tool from WorldViz. It lets people create immersive VR presentations and then experience them with people from around the world for real-time communication and collaboration. This post will highlight the different file formats you can bring into Vizible and a few things to pay attention to as you import content.
3D models: Vizible supports a wide range of 3D models. Our recommended format is .osgb, but .fbx, .obj, .3ds, .wrl, and .ive could also work if they’ve been formatted correctly. You can take any of these model types, bring it into our free Vizard Inspector Tool (you can read about this in the Vizible documentation), and export it as a .osgb. Then, you can drag it into Vizible Presentation Designer and add it to your presentations.
Images: When importing images to embed throughout your VR presentation, Vizible supports .png, jpg/.jpeg, .bmp, and .tiff/.tif. All of these formats support alpha channels besides .jpg/.jpeg. Once you drag images inside your Vizible asset library and then into your scene, you can position, rotate, and scale them as you see fit. Images in Vizible give you an easy way to drop some branding, infographics, and other helpful info or 2D designs into your presentations. Combined with proximity sensors, you can create a great custom UI with imported images.
Documents: You can embed single or multi-page documents inside Vizible with .pdf files. Most file formats for documents or presentations like .docx, .ppt, or .pages can be exported as a .pdf directly from Word or Powerpoint or otherwise converted to .pdf with free tools like Google Docs.
When you drag a multi-page .pdf into the Vizible Presentation Designer, it’s stored as a single asset that you can drag into your scene. You can set the starting slide or page, and once inside Vizible you can point your remote control tool at it and tap the forward or back buttons to navigate through the slides.
You can do some neat things with these embedded .pdf presentations. For example, try adding animation effects to slide transitions like fade-ins, or have the slide change as the result of a user clicking particular objects in the environments.
If you want to place the different pages of a PDF in the environment individually, you would simply want to drag separate .pdfs into Vizible and then drag them in individually, placing them where you want in the environment.
Videos: To import standard, 2D videos you can drag in .avi, .mp4, .mpg, or .mpeg files into the Vizible Presentation Designer. Once you bring them into your scene, you can give it a frame, scale it up to movie theater size, or make it grabbable to that people in Vizible can pass it around to each other.
Spherical Videos: You can import spherical videos into Vizible with the file formats avi, mpg, mpeg, and mp4.
Point Clouds: Point clouds are a set of data points in a coordinate system. In 3D applications this coordinate system is designated by X, Y, and Z coordinates and shows the external surface of an object represented as individual points. Point clouds are created using 3D scanners, such as DotProduct, Faro, Matterport, and many others. Vizible supports .dp and .ply file formats for point clouds. For larger scans, you might want to optimize the number of clouds in your file for optimized real-time rendering. There are free tools such as CloudCompare that can quickly help you get that done. Here are some more tips and tricks to help you get your Point Clouds prepared and optimized.
Audio: Sound is an integral part of immersive environment. You can use .wav or mp3 files, and if your .wav file is mono then you can set it to be “3D” and the sound will emanate from where it’s placed in the environment. You can toggle between “3D” and “ambient”.
As you can tell, you’ve got a lot to play with. Given its broad support for a wide variety of file types, creating immersive presentations has never been easier. Once you’re done, publish your presentation as a session and then invite anyone around the world to join your Vizible presentation for real time communication and collaboration in virtual reality.