Peter Schlueer
Mixed Reality for Science
Providing visual stimuli for scientific experiments that mix the real world with computer generated imagery opens the doors for novel research in human behavior, social interaction, computer science, and other academic fields. Mixed reality has proven to be a relevant and flexible research tool that delivers both high experimental control and ecological validity.
Mixed Reality for Training
Reducing training cost is on the front burner for companies large and small, be it for employee onboarding, safety compliance, or operating equipment. Interactive mixed reality has proven to be a powerful technology for delivering lasting training success at low cost.
Coalescence™ Mixed Reality by Collins Aerospace
For these and many other use cases Coalescence™ by Collins Aerospace is capable of merging the subject’s or trainee’s real world view with a synthetic environment for effectively experimenting or training in a seamless, enhanced mixed reality environment. Coalescence™ leverages commercial VR head-mounted display technology and integrates a proprietary stereo camera system and video processing solution to composite both virtual and real content with extremely low latency. With a simple off-the-shelf green-screen technology Coalescence™ will then automatically replace green-screen areas with your digital scene. Alternatively, users can manually crop out areas in the real world and replace them with the simulated environment to either replace and/or augment a chroma/green screen set-up.
An In-Depth Look at VR Training
Numerous studies have shown that participants retain information better and make fewer errors when using VR based training compared to less immersive methods. Why? Because VR can easily supply learning by doing scenarios, evoke presence and a sense of place, provide arousing and emotional experiences, and combine rich 3D visualizations with rich 3D sound.
Due to its high level of immersion, low cost, repeatability, and safety, more and more professionals ask us for immersive training solutions. For an in-depth perspective on how Virtual Reality is being used for training, please read our blog article “Meaningful Training with Virtual Reality” by WorldViz Chief Scientist Andy Beall.
But not only VR, also Mixed Reality can be the mode of choice for certain training scenarios such as a surgeon needing to see their hands and benefit from real-world tactile feedback while training on a virtual body model, or an airforce pilot using a physical cockpit model to navigate a virtual scene.
For more information on how you can get ready for mixed reality or virtual reality training, please reach out to sales at