Matthias pusch, CEO

How long have you worked for WorldViz?
First time I used Worldviz software was in 1998, for a project that was paid by the Air Force.Then I worked for WorldViz since 2002.

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
I believe in the intrinsic value of VR for certain use cases, and I love being part of the process of crystalizing the value for each customer, and in the end creating real value for our customers. 

What's your favorite thing about VR?
That it helps me avoid pain-staking travel, and I can now connect in a meaningful (and unpredescented) way with customers directly from my home and spend more valuable time with my family.

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be?
Probably Jules Verne, but there are many others I'd be interested in meeting ...

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they?
hmm, not sure - I'm a trained clinical Psychologist, but not sure if that's a talent or a curse.

What's your hometown?
My German house is in a small village in Germany called Stuecht. Amazing place with some 20 other houses there, and a pretty large beer festival every year :)

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Do pineapples belong on pizza?
Ok for me.

Pepsi or Coke?
Trying to avoid both.

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Johnny Depp, which is in a way funny because Depp means 'idiot' in slang Franconian (sub dialect of German)

What's a book you would recommend others to read?
The book "Deamon" by Daniel Suarez is a piece of tech scifi that's amazing, given it was published in 2006 and pretty much predicts self driving cars, Pokeman Go and many other things that are happening right now...

How long have you worked for WorldViz?
4 years

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
That it forces me to continue to learn and adapt. I also enjoy getting to play with a lot of high tech VR devices, since I've been an avid VR enthusiast since the 90s. Anyone who’s passed by my desk can see that I spend a lot of time trying out new pieces of hardware.

What's your favorite thing about VR?
There are many facets of VR that I find intriguing (such as the dynamic experiences one can have in it, and its therapeutic effects that other forms of media can’t match), but perhaps the most powerful piece is the way that it can facilitate human connections across great distances in a way that even video conferencing falls short. Once you have a personal interaction in VR where you can collaborative in very natural ways, you really forget that you are not sharing the same space.

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be? What are the rules here? Can I say myself at 14 years old? Or perhaps Batman?

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they? This might not actually be too hidden, but I have spent a great deal of my life practicing guitar, writing music and singing.

What's the last book you read? Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow

Do pineapples belong on pizza? Are you referring to the whole pineapple, or just chunks of it? Of course they do! As does ranch dressing!

Who would play you in the film of your life? Bugs Bunny

What’s your biggest pet peeve? Cables

If you had one superpower, what would it be? The ability to know how long ago I put something in the refrigerator so that I figure out whether it’s bad or not. I guess I could just try stickers though…

Felix Rudert, VizMove product manager & solutions architect

How long have you worked for WorldViz?
10 years, 8 months, 10 days, 8 hours, 10 minutes, and 13 seconds.

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
When I started with WorldViz there was mainly a group of mid-twenty to mid-thirty year old's working hard while also having fun together. That set the tone for a company culture that I really enjoy. Back then we were only about 10 employees. I started as a software developer but got to try various other roles and as the company grew, I was able to develop a versatile tool set in different traits.

What's your favorite thing about VR?
The power it has to influence human behavior for the better. WorldViz, for example, helped facilitate multiple studies at Stanford and other Universities that showed that VR can lastingly change peoples behaviors to become more environmentally friendly. Neither print nor video has such strong and persistent effects.

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be? Nikola Tesla

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they?I can put a (to me) comical twist on most everything. Laughing a lot makes life more enjoyable.

What's your hometown? Zwickau in Germany. A small town known to people that like classical music since it is the birth town of Robert Schumann, a famous pianist and composer of the romantic era.Another little known fact is that it is the founding place of the car manufacturer August Horch Automobilwerke GmbH, which is known today as Audi AG.

What's the last book you read? Kettlebell Simple & Sinister by Pavel Tsatsouline

Who would play you in the film of your life? Christian Bale

If you had one superpower, what would it be? This is a moot question ... I AM Fix-it Felix.

What’s your Kryptonite? Ignorance.

SandrA (Bergmeir) Dotson, Global Account Manager

You may have known her as Sandra Bergmeir in the past, but with her recent wedding comes her new last name. Get to know Sandra Dotson, our Global Accounts Manager!

How long have you worked for WorldViz?
It will be 7 years in August

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
The constant technology changes keep things interesting. Every project I work on and every customer is different. This keeps my job challenging and interesting - I have to think out of the box and stay on my toes to keep up!

What's your favorite thing about VR?
Its ability to help people.

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they? I craft, all sorts of things really. Currently I am making my own jewelry, I switch between that, drawing, crocheting, and various little other things. It’s my creative outlet and I love it!

What's your hometown? I consider my hometown at this point in my life to be Santa Barbara but I was born in Nuremberg, Germany and grew up in various parts of the German south, mostly Munich and Nuremberg. Some wise person once said “Home is where the heart is” - that’s clearly in California now!

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Stracciatella - I think that’s an Italian Gelato and not super common in the US. Sorry, European here ;)

What's the last book you read? Brave New World - Aldous Huxley | I’m going through all the sci-fi classics right now :)

Who would play you in the film of your life? Melissa McCarthy

What’s your biggest pet peeve? If people don’t listen and I have to repeat the same information multiple times. Pay attention!

Michael Nicolayeff, Creative Director

How long have you worked for WorldViz? I’ve been here since 2006, right out of college. That puts me here for a little over 13 years.

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
WorldViz is the hipster of VR companies. We were doing virtual reality long before the Rift was a twinkle in Palmer Lucky’s eye. Old headsets weren’t nearly as good and used to cost as much as a new car.

What's your favorite thing about VR?
Presence -  the way your mind immediately accepts whatever new reality you’re transported to and completely forgets the layout of the real world.

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be? The Invisible Man. He’d be a sight for sore eyes.

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they? Nope, I’m buttered toast. My main talents are the same ones that pay the bills. I do seem to be immune to VR sickness if that counts.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I don’t have a single favorite, but I usually go for cheesecake or chocolate fudge brownie with gummy bears mixed in. They get hard and chewy when they’re cold, but that’s how I do it.

What's the last book you read? Redwall, by Brian Jacques - a children’s novel that I’d always heard of but never read. I picked it up after playing through Lionel "Seith" Gallat’s Ghost of a Tale - an action stealth game with beautiful art and wonderful world building that left me wanting more. It’s no surprise the guy is a Dreamworks veteran. I’ve been meaning to pick up Moss as well.

Pepsi or Coke? Club soda, unless there’s some rum mixed in. Who’s up for a rum and Pepsi?

Who would play you in the film of your life? Vladimir Lenin. We have almost the same hairline.

What’s your Kryptonite? As if I’d tell you my actual weaknesses, dear boy. Now run along and play your silly games.

Dan Tinkham - Head of Sales, Americas

How long have you worked for for WorldViz?
Four Years

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
I love that WorldViz is able to maintain a culture of innovation and continue to push boundaries in VR and that we ourselves have truly embraced VR as an everyday business tool with our ability to meet with people around the world in virtual meetings. It’s also a great pleasure to work with such a tight-knit group of intelligent people everyday.

What's your favorite thing about VR?
It’s ability to fully transport a person to a new environment in such a convincing way that they leave the experience with a real memory of the event. I think the impact this will have on learning, education and communication more broadly is going to be truly transformative for how we experience the world and interact with each other.

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be?
Ben Franklin - my father is an American History teacher and he has convinced me this would be the best choice. Franklin’s wit and wisdom as well as his own fascination with technology would lead to a very interesting meeting. Plus I think he would really get a kick out of it.

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they?
I am embarrassingly good at Hacky sack after dedicating nearly every lunch break I had in high school to the sport.

What's your hometown?
San Bruno, CA - I grew up right next to SFO

What's the last book you read?
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe

Pepsi or Coke?
Coca-Cola Classic

Do pineapples belong on pizza?
Yes, absolutely.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?
I have always felt that the ability to stop time would be the coolest possible super power. Who wouldn’t want all the time in the world to read, learn a new instrument, or finally finish writing

bettina pavone - Marketing Manager

How long have you worked for for WorldViz?
I have worked for WorldViz since April 2018

What excites you the most about working for WorldViz?
It’s exciting working in an industry that is looking towards the future and changing the way people work and conduct research.

What's your favorite thing about VR?
How it can really take you into a whole new perspective. It transforms the way your brain sees and interprets things, and I think that’s really powerful!

If you could meet one person in Vizible, dead or alive, who would it be?
David Bowie or Joey Ramone….I can’t decide between the two!

Do you have any hidden talents, if so what are they?
I wouldn’t say they’re hidden, but I love doing dance inspired by circus arts! You’ll usually find me dancing on a lyra (circular trapeze).

What's your hometown?
San Marcos. A small town in North County San Diego.

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Anything with caramel and chocolate.

Do pineapples belong on pizza?
Nope. Although they’re more bearable when the pizza is cold.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?
Control time so I can add more hours in the day.

What's the last book you read?
Flappers and Philosophers. A collection of short stories from F. Scott Fitzgerald



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